Cloudcroft Stars Support Local News
Many of your neighbors have already stepped-up to support the Cloudcroft Reader in our first year of publishing. Will you join them?
Thank you to those members of our community who help make the Cloudcroft Reader possible with their contribution.
Brian & Cristy Thomma, Charles Venable, Sandra McBrayer, Barbara Hartley, Keith Hamilton, Mike & Flora McClung, Hal Payne, Kathy Switzer, Ray Haller, Gary Calmia, Joan Nussbaum, Billy Anders, Don Vanlandingham, Patricia Troell, Meredith Kosse, Anne Shuttee, Mike and Marilyn Moffitt, Sean Smith, Carolyn Anderson, Robert Mace, Don Watts, Matt Willett, John & Debbie Ferdetta, Joshua and Jackie Lee, Jim Anderson, Tom & Pam Runyan, Wes and Pat Gaskill, Charles Townley, Dave Venable, Dennis Latimer, John Bufton, Javier & Patricia Alvillar, Bruce and Mandi Smaga, Skip Smith, Bill Ley, William Hanson, Greg and Courtney Blackman, Roger Donnelson, Laura Robertson, Debbie Tate, James Carlton, Carrie McDonald, Pat McLeod, Angela Hagen, Adrienne West, Julie Swift, Karen Highfill, Michael Johnson, Jack Britton, Tom Krajci, Stan and Joani Watson, Paul McSherry, Jim Worthan, Eric Pearson, Malina Pearson, Peter Kendall, Carl Wyatt, Stan and Ginger Hearne, Earle Neill, April Hearne, Rusty Roots, Nancy Slater, Lacinda & Rodger Walker, Earle Neill, Jim Goodwin, David Amidei, John Bennett, Janyce Chesnut, Rhonda Grant, Chris Milya, Carla Moore, Jackie and Larry Pryor, Dorian Ramirez, Charles Ramay, John and Carrie Snook, Aileen Duc, Mike and Marty Mills, Terry and Joann Means, Susan Booth, Cheryl Kaufman, Sara Sims, Guy Lutman, Hans Steinhoff, Herman Graffunder, Carol Stanfill, Kirk Cooper, Ann Davis, Steven G Henry, Sonnie Hill, Jean Ramsey, John Sarrels, Charlene Basham, Patti Howell, Waitt Family, Mario Romero, Craig and Dru Chapman, Hilda Gerardo Acuna, Jann Hunter, Don Stowe, Amy Parker-Morris, Leah Ross, Sally and Prentice Blanscett, Lyn Canham, Amy Dunlap, Linda Rawson, Renee Hays, Brian Risinger, Charles Day, Mark Tatum, Sam Coats, Brian and Stephanie Collins, Dixie Rogers, Cheri Hass, Laurel & John Walters/Cronin, David and Anne Marie Larsen, Dina Sennett, Summit Supply, Amy Felix, Barbara Pugh, Justin Damron, Dana Dunlap, Dennis Magill, Rod & Barbara Slaton, Diana Lehr, Lyn Canham, George Marshall, Rand Carlson, Andrea Ohare, Diana Lehr, Diane McMahon, Bob & Donna Shepherd, Glena Muncrief, Shelby Manford, Deborah Cole, Mike and Stacey Hyman, Linda Hamilton, Gail Overstreet, Andrew Colglazier, Julie and Eric Pearson, Terry Schul, Rand Carlson, Amy Coor, Suzannah Cox, Barbara and Bryan Johnson, Gina Sweeny, Lynn Owen, Judith Langlois, Diane Thomas, Laryssa Alvarez, Gina Sweeney, Lynn Owen, Brian Risinger, Craig Turner, Carl Wyatt, Betty Sheker, Carie Mckinney, Rebecca Barrows, Judith Langlois, Jim & Francis Curtis, Cheri Hass, Kurt Kochendarfer, Alexandra Carilli, Greg Switzer, J & S Blanchett, Jan Graffunder, Barbara Hoskins, Martha & Larry Dahl, Linda Meyer, Tom McLaughlin, Jessie Willett, Heidi Gibbons, Karen Highfill, Herman Graffunder, Michael Johnson, Anonymous, Cloudcroft Chamber of Commerce, Earle & Dixie Neill, Tracy Lockhart, Bill Sandusky, Sandra Barr, Pat Ray, Robert Mace, Mary Bott, Barbara Scheuter, Cynthia Buttram, Andra Sanders, Tod Taylor, Donna G Casey, Kathy Lee Alvoid, Valerie Stagaman, Nancy Penner, Gerardo Acuna, Marietta Crane, Randy Melton Electric, Michael London, Nikki Castle, Joan Nussbaum, Rachel Truex, Cheryl Puterbaugh, Mark Ferring, Lisa & Greg Spier, Kay Magill, Anne Spier, Mark Tatum, Jonathan Coker, Carl Milburn, Judy Gordinier, Glenn Edwards, Anonymous, John Sarrels, Kenna Darling.
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