Cloudcroft Mayoral Candidate Ambushed at a Meet-and-Greet by Pathetic Political Operatives
Otero County Democratic Party Officials embarrass themselves and their party
Local mayoral candidate Richard Welch held an open meet-and-greet yesterday evening only to get ambushed by a couple of bad actors who identify themselves as Democratic Party operatives.
The idea that the issues confronting Cloudcroft are either ‘Democrat’ or ‘Republican’ is absurd. Neither of these individuals are from the area, and apparently are only interested in the worst kind of political bullying and name-calling that already pollutes our national discourse.
The reports today on their obnoxious and unacceptable behavior.
“Mr. Welch hosted a meet and greet with the candidate on Monday and the meeting was disrupted by two executive committee members of the Otero County Democratic Party. The party is presently dormant and under investigation by the New Mexico State Democratic Party and not allowed to act as a party in any official capacity in Otero County. Party Chairwoman Brianna Martinez and Party Candidate Selection Chair and State Central Committee Member Mathew Crecelius disrupted the meeting and led personal attacks against the candidate. Neither individual lives in Cloudcroft nor are registered to vote in the village election.”
Candidate Welch has posted a video on his Facebook page taken inside his shop of the confrontation.
They disrupted the candidate’s event to the point where attendees walked out because of their behavior.
The New Mexico Democratic Party needs to disavow these two sad figures and disassociate itself from them in the strongest terms. They are an embarrassment to the party.
Cloudcroft rejects this kind of politics — and the people who practice it.
I do not live in Cloudcroft, but I started spending my summers here in 1942. Now my family owns a cabin on Squirrel Avenue.
While unable to vote, I would like to put forth my opinion that partisan politics is harmful in Cloudcroft. I have always felt that friendly is how we should treat each other here. Taking good care of Cloudcroft for the benefit of everyone who comes here is what I expect of each of our elected leaders.
That's all from me for now. Your comments will be welcome.
Mike London
Born in Carlsbad, lives in Austin, loves time in Cloudcroft.
The Dems should be ashamed of themselves for behaving in a much less than civil manner at Mr. Welch’s Meet and Greet. They infringed on his right of free speech. No wonder they’re being investigated! I agree with Mr. London. Friendliness and respect is the right way to treat others, even when you disagree with their politics.