The Dems should be ashamed of themselves for behaving in a much less than civil manner at Mr. Welch’s Meet and Greet. They infringed on his right of free speech. No wonder they’re being investigated! I agree with Mr. London. Friendliness and respect is the right way to treat others, even when you disagree with their politics.

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I do not live in Cloudcroft, but I started spending my summers here in 1942. Now my family owns a cabin on Squirrel Avenue.

While unable to vote, I would like to put forth my opinion that partisan politics is harmful in Cloudcroft. I have always felt that friendly is how we should treat each other here. Taking good care of Cloudcroft for the benefit of everyone who comes here is what I expect of each of our elected leaders.

That's all from me for now. Your comments will be welcome.

Mike London

Born in Carlsbad, lives in Austin, loves time in Cloudcroft.

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