Hannah, what a great story on Officer Schoolcraft. I’m in Tucson now but in Kansas was a firefighter and have seen some no so good things. That article brought back some emotions and memories, good and bad! Thanks for the story!

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What a great article! How interesting to actually "get to know" the chief on several levels. I have been a "summer citizen for the past 20+ years and love my time there. I am also an artist and truly enjoyed the insightful aspect of the chief in that area. Thanks again!

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Knowing Chief Schoolcraft on a professional basis, I can say without a doubt that he is a very dedicated individual. When he speaks, it is never a matter of opinion, it's a fact and you should listen. We first met when he worked for the Sheriff’s Department in the Timberon area and I was a member of the Timberon Neighborhood Watch. Roger's presence was not only felt in our community, it was valued because of his no nonsense, but level headed approach. I still have the occasional contact with him in my position as President of the Timberon Neighborhood Watch, and I value his counsel. Cloudcroft, it's visitors and community members, should consider themselves extremely fortunate to have Roger as their Chief of Police.

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