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😳😳😥 I can't comprehend how our trustees (who I genuinely like & respect), can dismiss former Mayor Craig Turner's request for a FT financial clerk 🤔. "We've done it with 4 employees in the past" is the justification?! Clearly, we have not.

And, to publicly deflect blame onto former PT employees -- who clearly were undertrained, under-supported, and overloaded with tasks far beyond their current training/capabilities -- I can't wrap my mind around it 🤯. We need a "Rapid Reset" and a new plan (clearly explained to constituents) ASAP.

I pray that the Trustees do the right thing here -- by a

A) Craig Turner

B) themselves (prior messes are certainly not the fault of new elects [not sure on prior elects?], & I can't imagine their undeserved stress 😥 -- but need to hear from them, so we can adequately support their ideas), and

c) concerned CC members.

We can do this! All good folks here! I (& many others) support our leaders. We don't care about possible missteps by the current Council. Explain, set forth a plan, and we will SUPPORT you!

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