Question #8:

Water is vital to our community — its quality and availability. What is the current state of the community’s water supply, and what would you do to ensure we have an ample supply of good water in the years ahead? How do you see balancing the tension around very limited water resources against business and community development for high-use businesses?

Jim Maynard: “Our current water supply is stable. In the last water report our springs are producing around 160,000 gallons per day. Our consumption is around 80,000 gallons per day. This results in a 2 to 1 supply to demand advantage. We are not pumping our wells currently. They are being held in reserve if needed. The village has invested in leak detection equipment that is proving very beneficial. For as long as I have been active in Cloudcroft, our water reports have shown a water loss of 35% +/- to leaks or unknown sources. This situation is improving. Current supplies are stable. Leaks are being located and repaired.

In our capital outlay request to the state legislature, new water sources are in our top 5 priorities. The location and acquisition of new water sources is a time consuming process but it is underway.

As mayor, water is my top priority. Protecting it and managing its distribution to all Cloudcroft properties is vital. I advocate for rainwater harvesting as a Cloudcroft standard. Rainwater harvesting does not cure all water needs but it reduces the demand on our system. An additional benefit when a person collects rainwater they become more aware of how many raindrops are in a glass of water.
The best way to reduce the tension on water issues is through community outreach and education. Fear of the unknown contributes to the tension. Informing the public and having true transparency on the topic will help. As mayor I believe in dealing with this issue everyday.”

Richard Welch: “The first thing that needs to be addressed is why was the recycled wastewater plant allowed to die on the vine in 2016. As far as water tap permits the first thing to consider is how much water a business will need to stay in operation. As far as water is concerned I would put a moratorium on water permits until we could get a good grasp on water available and what would happen when the next drought comes. Cloudcroft ran out of water in 2004 and water had to be trucked in from Alamogordo.”

Gail McCoy: “The council is at present looking for wells and new water sources to ensure we have an ample supply. I will continue as my predecessors have done in past to seek to solve our water issue.”

Craig Turner: “Water is definitely the most important issue to Cloudcroft. To assess the current state of Cloudcroft’s water supply, I am currently conducting my own research. I have been reading articles and talking with Village leaders, specifically seeking detailed information about Cloudcroft's water infrastructure, sources, usage patterns and planned projects. While I don’t have all the answers, I do know that we can continue to repair leaks and replace poor infrastructure to improve our water supply. I can also provide some general strategies to ensure an ample supply of good water in the years ahead and address the tension between limited water resources and high-use businesses:

1. Comprehensive Water Management Plan: Develop a comprehensive water management plan that takes into account current and projected water demands, available water sources, and potential risks such as climate change and population growth. This plan should include strategies for conservation, efficiency, and sustainable water use.

2. Conservation and Efficiency Measures: Implement water conservation programs and promote efficient water use practices among residents, businesses, and industries. This could involve public education campaigns, incentives for water-efficient appliances, and regulations on water usage.

3. Diversify Water Sources: Explore opportunities to diversify the community's water sources, such as investing in water recycling and reuse systems, and exploring alternative sources like rainwater harvesting.

4. Sustainable Development Practices: Encourage businesses and community development projects to adopt sustainable practices that minimize water consumption. This could involve providing incentives for water-efficient infrastructure, promoting green building standards, and requiring businesses to implement water-saving measures as a condition for permits.

5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Foster partnerships between the community, businesses, and relevant stakeholders to address water resource challenges collectively. Engage in dialogue to find mutually beneficial solutions that balance economic development with sustainable water management.

6. Long-term Planning and Monitoring: Continuously monitor water resources, usage patterns, and the effectiveness of implemented measures. Regularly update water management plans based on new data and changing conditions.

Balancing the tension between limited water resources and high-use businesses requires careful consideration and community involvement. It may involve setting water usage limits, implementing tiered pricing structures to discourage excessive usage, and promoting water-efficient technologies and practices. Collaboration with businesses and the community is essential to ensure that economic development is sustainable and does not compromise the availability and quality of water resources.”

Gerald ‘Dusty’ Wiley: “Water is the biggest issue facing Cloudcroft today.  First, we go after those grants and funds available through the state and federal government. Second, we seek out an expert or two or three that are smarter than the rest of us when it comes to water. I have been talking to geologists that specialize in water, they are called hydrologists. They’ve told me that they think we have ample water on the mountain, but the soil composition over the years have compressed many of the pipes and that the pipes need to either be replaced with a different soil composition around them or in some places, new wells need to be considered.

As mayor I would pursue the funding to pay for these experts and for the new wells and/or repaired wells.  I would also aggressively pursue the estimated 1 million gallons of water that we are losing to leaks.  I have a hard time acknowledging that we actually lose maybe 12 million gallons, maybe more of water.  This needs to stop.  We need to pursue any and all resources available to us through funding and experts and nip this in the bud once and for all so that we can ensure clean and plentiful water for generations to come..”

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